Your annual Delaware LLC fees include:
While the State of Delaware does not require LLCs to file an annual report, there is still an associated annual LLC fee. The Delaware Franchise Tax is $300 per year, due on June 1. This annual $300 Delaware LLC fee is standard protocol for every LLC, regardless of its age, gross sales, activity or periods of inactivity.
A penalty of $200 is levied on all companies whose payment has not been received at the Delaware Secretary of State's office by June 1. There is a zero-tolerance policy for late payments and the penalty fee will be automatically added to your Franchise Tax notice, regardless of the reason why the state did not receive it.
If you don't operate your company in Delaware, no income tax reports or accounting data will be requested by the state of Delaware, and your company is not responsible for paying Delaware income tax. The state does not require information about the members or managers of Delaware LLCs when filing the annual Franchise Tax.
We will alert you of the impending due date for your Delaware Franchise Tax responsibilities well ahead of time. We can even assist you in paying the $300 Franchise Tax to the State of Delaware for a small filing fee, which guarantees your punctual payment of the tax.
You can learn more about Franchise Taxes for LLCs here.
In addition to the $300 annual Delaware Franchise Tax, when Harvard Business Services, Inc. is your Registered Agent, you'll have one of the most inexpensive Registered Agent fees in the industry.
Your Registered Agent's annual fee is part of your annual compliance costs; you are required by law to have a Delaware Registered Agent to accept service of process.
If we are your Registered Agent, then your Registered Agent Fee is the lowest in the industry at just $50 per year, per company, guaranteed to remain $50 per year for the life of your company. Learn more about the Harvard Business Services, Inc. Registered Agent Fee guarantee.
For comparison purposes, here's a brief sampling of other Delaware Registered Agents and their annual fees:
Legalzoom: $159 per year, billed after forming your company. It is not included in the formation package cost.
The Company Corporation: the first six months are included in the formation package fee; you can opt-in for six extra months at $100. Every year thereafter is $235.
Bizfilings: Included in your filing fee for the first six months, $149 for the year immediately following your initial sign-on, and then $167 per year thereafter.
How Do I Pay My Delaware LLC Annual Fees
To pay your annual Delaware Franchise Tax, visit Pay Your Delaware Franchise Tax Online. Harvard Business Services can assist you in pay the $300 Franchise Tax for the State of Delaware for a small filing fee, which guarantees your punctual payment of the tax.
To pay your annual Delaware Registered Agent fee, visit Pay Your Registered Agent Fee online.
If you have an account you can also go to our Client Portal and pay both annual fees in one payment.
How Do I Change My Delaware Registered Agent to Harvard
If you would like to enjoy the lowest Registered Agent Fee in the state - along with the best, most reliable service - please visit our Changing Your Registered Agent page for more details, and to see how easy it is to switch Registered Agents. For any other questions about the two annual Delaware LLC fees, contact our office today.
Since 1981, Harvard Business Services, Inc. has helped form 440,872 Delaware corporations and LLCs for people all over the world.
Harvard Business Services, Inc. guarantees your annual Delaware Registered Agent Fee will remain fixed at $50 per company, per year, for the life of your company.
Harvard can provide assistance throughout the life of your company. These custom services are the most popular with our clients: