We Don’t Do Everything

Montana RegistrationAt Harvard Business Services, Inc., we’ve been forming Delaware entities for our clients since 1981. In that time, we’ve formed more than 400,000 companies for our clients all across the USA and all around the world. Currently, we serve as Delaware Registered Agent for more than 126,000 companies in Good Standing. We pioneered online formations with the State of Delaware, being the very first agent to be granted access to the Delaware Corporation Information Service (DCIS) before any of our competitors. From our office in Lewes, Delaware, our 50 teammates form about 80 new companies daily as well as processing orders for document retrievals, amendments, cancellations, stock increases and Certificates of Good Standing. Yes, on a daily basis, we do all that.

But… we don’t do everything. And one of the things we don’t do is form Montana companies for registering vehicles in Montana. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I use a Montana LLC to hold title to my own 1963 Corvette Split-Window coupe (See Photo), but I let the experts in Montana handle that.

Why? Because they know Montana and have great relations with the local authorities there, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let’s take a look at why I do, and why you might want to consider holding title to your classic cars and super-sized RVs in a Montana LLC.

You see, Montana understands that classic car collectors shouldn’t have to pay the automobile registration tax based on the value of their vehicle because they aren’t going to use the roads all that much. I keep my Vette in a special temperature-controlled garage and start it up for short drives whenever I feel the need for speed, but it’s NOT my daily driver. Registering my beauty in Delaware state would cost me about 5% of its value, which is now north of $150,000. Registering in Montana costs less than $300 and, because my car is more than 11 years old, I register it ONCE and it’s permanent! No annual renewals, no inspections, no emissions check, none of that. You just pay the one-time registration fee, and you’re set for life. You DO have to maintain your Montana LLC in Good Standing, which is another good reason to use a firm like MT Corporate Services who will remind you each year to keep your Montana LLC up to date.

Montana also understands that RV owners use their “rig” outside their own state more than they drive them locally, so why should you pay a road tax based on the value of your motor Home to your home state? Instead, they tax you based on the age of your Motorhome.

In both these cases, forming a Montana LLC and registering your vehicle can save you literally thousands of dollars. AND… It’s completely legal. Before I formed my Montana LLC, I called a friend of mine who is a State Trooper here in Delaware. I asked him if having a Montana license plate would cause me to get pulled over out of suspicion and, more importantly, if it is illegal to register my car in Montana when I don’t actually live there. (In fact, I’ve never even been to Montana, and neither has my Vette.)

I was really surprised by his answer. He said, “I have MY classic Mustang registered in Montana and there’s nothing at all to be concerned about”. He did recommend that I check with my insurance company to see where they prefer me to insure it. Sometimes they want it insured where it’s stored and sometimes they want it insured in the State where it’s registered. They make their own rules so be sure to check, but as far as the traffic laws are concerned, you’re free to register your vehicle wherever you choose.

So, if you’ve decided that Montana LLC car registration is the best path forward for you and your vehicle, how do you get it done? Well, I use the best Montana Registered Agent: MT Corporate Services, LLC. They specialize in Registering your vehicle in Montana and forming your LLC there. The owners, Helen Fandrich and her son, Ryan, are the absolute experts at forming your Montana LLC and registering your vehicle there. That’s right, they handle BOTH the company formation and your DMV work.

Helen started out as a legal assistant, working for a Montana law firm for decades. Then she “retired”. It wasn’t long before the law firm she worked for began referring clients to her for vehicle registration… and that was 25 years ago. In the meantime, she’s helped more than 1,000 RV owners and Classic Car owners save big bucks by using Montana. I can recommend their services without reservation and have, many times, to our clients who need their service.

If you’re interested in registering your classic vehicle or RV in Montana or just learning more about it, you can contact Helen or Ryan by email at: mtcorpserve@bresnan.net or telephone 406-227-7665. Happy Motoring!

*Disclaimer*: Harvard Business Services, Inc. is neither a law firm nor an accounting firm and, even in cases where the author is an attorney, or a tax professional, nothing in this article constitutes legal or tax advice. This article provides general commentary on, and analysis of, the subject addressed. We strongly advise that you consult an attorney or tax professional to receive legal or tax guidance tailored to your specific circumstances. Any action taken or not taken based on this article is at your own risk. If an article cites or provides a link to third-party sources or websites, Harvard Business Services, Inc. is not responsible for and makes no representations regarding such source’s content or accuracy. Opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Harvard Business Services, Inc.

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