The Millionaire Booklet Book Review

The Millionaire Booklet Book ReviewGrant Cardone, author of The Millionaire Booklet: How to Get Super Rich, is a self-made entrepreneur who with no money, connections or fancy degrees founded and now operates businesses that have sales in around $100 million a year. He has real estate holdings just short of half a billion dollars and has a personal net worth of nine figures. In this book he explains and simplifies some of the key points in his journey from being broke to being super rich. This book gets right to the point, as it is broken down into just 44 pages of information from Grant Cardone himself.

The Millionaire Booklet is not a book that you read and toss on the shelf. This pocket size manual to become rich was made to be pocket size on purpose.

Advice from the Author:

1. Keep this book on your person, and reread as needed until you make your first $1 million dollars.

2. Share this book with a friend

3. Once you get yours, help others to do the same.

Let’s get right to it.

Step 1. Grant Cardone highlights in the first chapter that to become super rich, you must first make the decision that you WILL become super rich. He explains that it is a bit more than just hoping that you will. It is about making a conscious decision that you will change your mind, and your habits and actions to that of the super rich.

Step 2. The Millionaire Math. Grant Cardone gives the reader real life examples of how to do the math. Most people will create or be in contact with over a million dollars in their lifetime. In order to simplify this point, the Author uses sticky notes as an example. How can you obtain 1 million sticky notes? Who has these sticky notes, and how do you obtain them? How many sticky notes would you need to obtain per day if you wanted 1 million sticky notes this year? How many people would you need to contact in order to obtain these sticky notes? It sounds simple, and is meant to be simple in order to explain that the best goals are very simple. This chapter will make you think. You will come back to this chapter often.

Step 3. Increase Income. Also, a very simple point, but the Author explains why this is not as hard as it sounds. The Millionaire Booklet gives examples of how everyone can add income right now. Read the book to learn more.

Step 4. Who’s Got My Money? Determine who has your money first, so you can then create a plan to get it. It explains the importance of getting in front of, and spending time with the right people in order to accomplish your goals.

This book will contain 9 short chapters that consist of 8 steps. They are all easily broken down with examples in a concise and easy to understand format. For the purposes of this blog, we will not go through each step. The lessons in The Millionaire Booklet will be best understood by reading the book… over and over. It is a quick read. It is pocket sized, and per the Author should be carried with you everywhere until you obtain millionaire status. Good luck. To learn more about Grant Cardone, go to

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